Our Character is our calling card to life…,


Erasmus Cromwell-Smith
2 min readJan 17, 2021


One’s character is our calling card to life,

as well as,

the legacy our wake leaves behind.

Our character defines

not who we think we are,

much less what we pretend to be,

but who we really are, deep, deep, inside.

Our character is respected when,

we exude immutable honesty and steadfast frankness.

Our character is emulated when,

we are uncompromisingly ethical,

and approach everything

with unquestionable rectitude and indomitable integrity,

while beholding,

a spirit with a purpose and a soul with meaning.

Our character is revered when in possession of,

limitless compassion, unmaterialistic generosity

and the humblest of all wisdoms.

Our character becomes reliable through,

dependable, immanent self-discipline,

Helping us always deliver end results.

Our character grows through,

unyielding perseverance, unrelenting grit,

unflinching resilience

and the insatiable pursuit

of insight, knowledge and spirituality.

Out character is genuine only when,

we perennially put into practice,

inescapable forgiveness of oneself and others,

coupled with readiness

to learn and rectify,

our mistakes.

Our character is revealed as to what we are really made of,

when demanded and required by life and its circumstances;

which may involve,

abnegation, sacrifice and even relinquishment,

as the ultimate tests

to our fiber, nature and the substance of our hearts.

Our character perennially renews itself,

